XxxI woke up on Sunday 24th August at 5:15 am and said Stu my waters are going. He replied are they! Excited we both got out of bed where they just trickled. I got cleaned up then got my daughter ready to go off to her nanas and had my first contraction.
Stu took her over and I decided to get ready. I thought it would be like my other two labour's. So I washed my hair then ran a bath. Thinking about easing the long contraction pains I was expecting.
I went back to the bedroom to get my hair dried whilst the bath filled.
But my contractions really started one after the other each longer and more intense. I knew we needed to go straight to hospital.
I got dressed it seemed to take forever the pain was getting worse I could barley walk to the car!
I cried at Stu to go through the red lights I was in so much pain but he wouldn't.
I could feel more pain with each turn and stop n start of the car.
When we parked at the hospital I got out but couldn't walk Stu had to get a wheel chair. We got into maternity asssessment where I barely opened my eyes trying hard to breath through the contractions. I was examined and was 4cm but my contractions were just rolling one after the other no break. They quickly got me back in the wheel chair and headed over to delivery suite.
I got into the bed and Stu had to take off my trousers . I was squeezing his hand whilst being asked questions by the midwife. The pain was unreal. The pressure below. I told them I wanted the epidural the idea of trying to get in a bath for a water birth was insane.
They gave me gas and air which I took in so well. My head was light and did the first time I felt some relief but then the pain got more. I screamed I wanted the epidural a guy came in to do it but the midwife said it's too late. I knew it was I was ready to push. I didn't need to be told
My body was telling me what to Do and I blocked out everything around me except Crystal the midwife. She was so amazingly positive encouraging me whilst I squeezed Stus hand. I felt when I needed to push and when to rest. His head came and I felt so much pain and relief at the same time. I felt his head and he had hair!
When my body was ready I pushed again and delivered him and he was placed onto me. It was amazing, I feel so proud I did it with just gas and air and so quickly.
The moment I held him on me I was in love. He is perfect. Stu was so happy too. We held him and I fed him, he is so perfect. I can't wait to show him to the world. We rang my mum who hadn't even set off yet and couldn't believe he had come so quick.
He weighed 10lb 10oz, we have named him Reuben. :-)