How far along: 34 weeks
Baby bump: baby is the size of a cantaloupe, weighing 4.75
What's happening this week: I have my 34 week midwife appointment.
She has referred me to the consultant at the hospital to discuss the induction he suggested last time I saw him. She couldn't tell which way the baby was laying.
I had my whooping cough jab.
I was quite disappointed with our appointment, we didn't discuss feeding or birthing options. I feel that once you've had one it's just a formality going to see the midwife and she isn't actually any help. So I still feel anxious.
I got weighed and have put on 3st, 3lb!! Omg!!
Sleep: having a few naps the days I'm not working. Towards the end of week 34 its got so hot I can't sleep on a night.
I have tons of pillows and have to change my sleeping position loads throughout the night because I can't breathe from the weight or my leg aches.
Best moment: getting some more bits for the haby
Movement: I took a video of him movingvthis week, its less kicking now and more like huge wobbles. He also got right into my rib and brought tears to my eyes, its wasn't very nice.
Food cravings / aversions: I haven't been wanting fresh orange. In fact the heat has made me really not want to eat. Obviously I've forced myself to drink and have had homemade banana milkshake and juice with ice. I don't really like fizzy pop. Water is mainly what I'm drinking.
Symptoms: have had nausea coming back, could be the heat.
Hope it's not the HG, can't do that again.
Very low movements and sharp stabbing pains in my bits that stop me walking.
Emotions: happy then can burst out crying
What I miss: being comfy in bed
What I'm looking forward to: having the baby now, the heat makes me really dislike all this extra wright.
How the family is doing: My other half still pandas to my every need and really spoils me, I think he feels bad how upset I get and how Uncomfy I am. He always offers me a drink, run a bath or do I want a nap. ( could be to get a few minutes peace and quiet from my moaning lol)
I got the mamaroo chair from mamas & Papas (they do sell allover inc mothercare online)
Tommee tippee nappy wrapper on sale at mother care.
Baby k changing mat from the new collection at mothercare
Some cute little dungaree sets from Next in the sale.
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