28th September - 4 October
Reuben is going through the first phase according to the wonder years. He Seems more alert and wants cuddling more. He gets sad if he can't see or here me.
We are Mixing feeds and he has been using the breast and bottle to fall asleep. One day he just fed constant And has had a noticeable growth spurt he seems really big. He also seems to dislike his car seat.
He is roughly getting up every four hours for a feed Except one night he was wide awake and I came downstairs and we were up until 4am. He doesn't cry he just moves a lot and makes noises.
I have been introducing a dummy to settle him and help him to settle himself to sleep.
He has also been enjoying time on a play mat and over the days has noticed the toys dangling down and looks like he is staring at them and hits them. I think this is mainly an accident tho.
He looks like he is smilling but no 100% it's no just wind. My favourite thing at the minute is the most Cute noise he makes after sneezing like an 'aaahh' nosise as if that feels better.
Cohen and Lei are loving playing with him talking to him and laying with him near the play mat. It's like he has noticed them this week and looks at them when they are close and talking to him. When they walk away he strains his head back to try follow them.
In bed this week I was sat talking to him and kept saying 'hi', he was watching my face and mouth intently. Moving his mouth open and closed like he was trying to copy me but with out sound. I kept smiling at him, continuing to say hi and he smiled then did a little giggle (like taking a breath in and making a giggle noise) it is the most beautiful sound I have heard.
As he is mainly breast fed his nappies are quite explosive! Quite often during a nappy change he has wee'd on me this nappy change was even worse. He managed to poo during the change and it flew over 30cm and landed on my feet. Stu was in hysterics rolling on the floor, I couldn't help but laugh too as the baby laid there not knowing what he had done.
Good job he is so cute, makes it all better
This week he wore some soft little shoes for the first time.