About Me

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Hi my name is Carla. I run my own business as a beauty therapist & hairdresser. I started my blog to keep memories of my third pregnancy. Now I'm addicted to blogging and I'm even considering starting a Vlog. You can read all about my pregnancy and follow my journey with my new born.

Monday, 1 September 2014

Babies second week

today I'm on my own with the kids. Stu has returned to work and my mum had gone home. Feel sad that my mum has gone and all the things she will miss out on with the baby.
I'm gutted Stu had to return to work so quickly too, wish we had all had more time together.

Reuben is a little super star, he whimpers quietly to tell me he is ready for food, has a dirty nappy or fancies a snuggle. He hardly ever cries loudly. He seems to have settled into 3 hour feeds.
My daughter is smitten she doesn't leave us alone and wants to feed and cuddle him.

The kids have gone back to school now too so lots of quality time with my lil man.

Trying to catch up on sleep when he does but he is so popular we have visitors a lot.
Took a trip out to meet my friend and the twins at the shopping centre. We ate food then fed them and changed them then it was time to go pick the kids up from school. So we didn't get to shop lol. We seriously under estimated shopping with three newborns.

This week we are registering the birth, have our second midwife check up and an appointment with the health visitor at home.

I'm still feeling elated with him. Little sad everyone had to leave and go back to work.

My emotions are still a bit crazy and I can randomly burst into tears over how quick time is going and he's getting bigger or how nothing fits me and instead of a lovely bump I now have a jelly belly. 
Feeling achy and sore. Really suffering with the carpal tunnel syndrome. In the night I wake with the pain and can't immediately pick the baby up. It's like pins and needles in my fingers and hand and I can't grip will and it goes right down my arm to my elbow it's awful. Doctor is referring me for some treatment on it.

Baby had his first road trip as we travelled to my mums. We had to stop a few times to feed him and change him but he was so good and didn't cry in the car. 
We enjoyed seeing everyone and he got to meet his Uncle for the first time. 

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