About Me

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Hi my name is Carla. I run my own business as a beauty therapist & hairdresser. I started my blog to keep memories of my third pregnancy. Now I'm addicted to blogging and I'm even considering starting a Vlog. You can read all about my pregnancy and follow my journey with my new born.

Friday, 12 September 2014

Babies third week

8th-14th September
This week we went to baby group. There was only one other woman there. Reuben slept through most of it but I had a good chat.

I got a baby sling today, he likes being in it and it's fab for carrying him into the hectic school playground, no pram wars.

My hands have been in absolute agony with carpel tunnel. I have woken up through the night with immense pain in my elbow and pins and needles in my hands which upset me more because I couldn't pick the baby up to feed him. Thankfully stu did. I have an appointment with the dr.

I got some anti inflamatorys from the dr. 

24/08/14 - daddy posted to FB, my baby so clever holding his bottle. 

Reuben had some white spots on his tounge so I took him to the dr who said there was nothing there. Made me feel a bit daft to be honest. The next morning there were a few more so I took him back, another dr said she could see a single spot and it was an ulcer not thrush as I had suggested. I knew it was thrush but after seeing two doctors I felt like they were just ignoring me so I went to clinic after the weekend, by this time it was certainly thrush. The health visitor agreed and quickly arranged for someone to come around to our house with a prescription and one for me too as it had become painful to breast feed. I was very annoyed as it could have been prevented from getting to me and getting so bad on Reuben.

We went for two photoshoots this week. I had booked one then saw another with fab photos so booked her too. I have done a review on these in another blog. He looks so adorable.

Here's a sneak peek.

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