About Me

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Hi my name is Carla. I run my own business as a beauty therapist & hairdresser. I started my blog to keep memories of my third pregnancy. Now I'm addicted to blogging and I'm even considering starting a Vlog. You can read all about my pregnancy and follow my journey with my new born.

Saturday, 22 November 2014

My thank you to my other half during HG

This is a thank you I wrote to my other half in February 2014 when I was about 14 weeks pregnant and has the things I went through due HG

During the last three months I never imagined I would make it to this stage of my pregnancy and feel happy.

Even though this baby is very much planned and wanted the illness I got has been physically and emotionally draining.

My hyperemysis took over at just 5 weeks I was rushed into hospital where I was put on a drip as I was severely dehydrated. I couldn't stay awake and hold a conversation with SStuart my other half. When I was awake I was constantly vomiting. I stayed in hospital 2 nights and was sent home with anti sickness tablets.

 During the next three days I ate nothing and couldn't even keep fluids down, I couldn't even get up to go to the bathroom I was so weak Stu had to help me. I cried so much the sickness was constant I didn't stop and it took my breath away. Then Stu couldn't even keep me awake and took me back to hospital where I had to stay 4 nights this time and be on a drip again and have anti sickness injections. This helped with the sickness and I would have 10, 20 or 30 mintutes where I wasn't sick. I felt like things might get better. I felt so lonely in hospital surrounded by women ready to give birth at just 6 and a 1/2 weeks I didn't resemble pregnant at all. I certainly didn't feel it. I just was ill.

When I left hospital things remained the same for a few weeks I was sick and couldn't eat a thing. I was in so much pain from hunger n the pain from being sick all my muscles ached so badly. I spent all day n night in bed. I was so lonely again n fed up emotionally. I could see it hurt Stuart to to see me in so much pain. I had to drag myself to the Dr with the help of Stu to be checked and weighed and I'd lost a massive 1st n half in just 3 weeks. I was so Ill and weak. 

I was out of breath walking the 6 steps to the toilet and couldn't manage going down stairs at all. Anytime I desperately needed to I went on my hands and knees as standing made my head whoosh and I vomited straight away. Any time I was not being sick or sleeping I was crying from pain and being so low. 

I ended up back in hospital as I couldn't even keep sips of water down again and became so dehydrated. Every part of my body hurt n ached n I just wished it was over and I could die. I've never felt like that. 

After the fourth time in hospital I was so fed up. I was missing work, seeing people and actually living. I became a bit obsessed with cooking programs too. Which I'm sure didn't help my hunger!

Over the next few weeks I slowly began to eat ice cream and jelly. Picking food was done by how it felt and tasted when it came back up!! Toast was suggested often but is one of the worst things to vomit! I slowly begain to eat v dry small meals then would have days were I was sick and couldn't eat again and just stayed in bed. 

I didn't think for one minute it would get better but it has I'm not 100% bit I can cope with the few bouts of sickness that actually resemble morning sickness as ive had way worse.

 Now my tummy is growing and I'm eating actual meals Today I heard the heart beat for the first time and actually feel pregnant and not ill at 17 weeks. I probably will have a few more sick days but hopefully over the worst. 

If you do go through it I salute you because it's God damn hard everyday feels so long and working to each week seems like a lifetime. Try to stay calm when people suggest ginger for your 'morning sickness' the ignorance for the illness is still very much around. And get support, I couldn't have done this without my man, he took care of me so well, our two kids and the house. He is amazing.  

Monday, 10 November 2014

You're making a rod for your own back

OSo today is Monday 10th November and I have decided to try and get Reuben into a better sleep pattern. I believe because I have breast fed him he has gotten used to falling asleep on me whilst feeding. Whilst this is an easy way for me getting him to sleep on a night it is a problem.through the day as he wants me to rock him and hold him to go for his nap and if he wakes up through the night he cannot soothe himself back to sleep.

I'm am trying the get your baby to sleep in 7 days : http://www.parents.com/baby/sleep/issues/teach-baby-to-sleep-in-7-days/

I am using the 1-10 scale for sleepiness. 1 being wide awake 10 being fast asleep. The aim is to put him in his bed between 7/8 on the scale so he is just tired enough but still awake to soothe himself.

So tonight is the start of our new routine.

6pm -bath time. He was quite giddy as he is now in the big bath and can splash about. This could be a good thing for burning off any last bits of energy.
Sleepy rating: 2

6:20pm drying and getting dressed for bed.
Sleep rating:3 getting hungry and crying a bit.

6.30-7pm - feeding. He had just a few minutes breast milk and 4oz of formula. I have also introduced a number 2 test for his bottles today as he was sucking g so hard and making lots of noise. This seemed better there wasn't much noise and he seemed happier with the flow. Stopping at times and then starting again. During the feed I read him a story.

Sleepy rating: at the start 3-4 by the end of the bottle he was 7-8

7pm- laid him in his cot. He wasn't impressed. So put on his night light stars that shine onto the ceiling and white noise. He is staring at the stars.
I sat on the bed where he can't see me for 10 minutes then leave the room. 
I have the tommee tippee baby monitor with camera on.

7:20- he is still awake and starts to whimper then starts to cry. One of the older children opens the door and starts to talk to him. Grrr. Should have explained before what I was doing.
I go in and pick him up and give him 1oz left in his bottle. (Probably shouldn't have done that.) Put him back down at 7:25 and leave the room.

7:30- he starts whimpering  and genlty crying. Not gone in this time. He stopped after two minutes.

8:15- Reuben started crying. (My iPad got a message and woke him up) went and put it on aeroplane mode!
Stopped crying after one minute.
Started again a minute later and stopped again within a minute. Just a little whimper though.

8:30- Reuben cried for 5 minutes. I went upto him and he was upset. Picked him up and breast fed for 5 minutes and put him in his crib and he cried again. I needed to cuddle him. He fell asleep in my arms by 8:50. Think that's a failure for tonight. :-(

9pm: put him back in the crib
9:20 - starts crying again really loud. I need to hold him I don't like him being sad. He stops as soon as I do. He falls asleep next to me on my bed. I put him in his crib at ten and go to bed.

3:45: Reuben woke for his first night feed

I know I gave up on the first night but I've never had him cry like that before and I don't like it.

Then I realised he is a baby of course he wants me and feels safe when I cuddle him.

I am not going to listen to all these people with their good advice because seriously how many grown adults do you know who are still breastfeeding and rocked to sleep by their mummys. None. He will be fine he is a baby.

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Reubens 9 th week

Week 9- This weekend was jorja-leis birthday so it's been hectic sorting everything. When we went out shopping he slept in the car seat and in his pram basket. He only woke to feed whilst we shopped in Leeds. In the white rose he was more awake and enjoyed looking at the lights and things we went past. I think he doesn't like lifts, when we go in them he moves his hands jerkly like he is falling.
He is currently in his second phase according to the wonder weeks.
He has started to become grumpy about 6:30 when he seems to want to settle down for the night and struggles to get himself to sleep without his bath,massage and milk routine so I am trying to do it every night for him.

He has had days where he constantly wants to feed, cuddle and sleep and has had a mixture of breast and some 5oz bottles instead of the usual 4oz.
Nighttime feeds are still roughly every 4 hours.

The kids are on half term they're good and have enjoyed the freedom and time of playing with their toys, watching films going outside on their bikes and helping me with baby is a favorite especially for Jorja-Lei. I have had to explain quite a few times that the noises he is making are him talking and playing. He isn't upset and doesn't need picking up. I think she is getting confused because when he does want feeding or picking up he just makes little stuffy grunting noises and barely cries so easily confused. Plus she just loves mothering him

We've had Reubens first ever Halloween this week. I got him a little skeleton baby grow from Morrisons. Their selection of clothes has got really good and great prices. Jorja-Lei had gone on her first sleepover so me and daddy took Cöhen trick or treating with Reuben. He got lots of attention and was smiling at everyone cooing over his little outfit.
He enjoyed looking at his lights we wrapped around his pram.

J-L's 7th birthday party

This week was my beautiful daughters 7 th birthday. She got lots of fab presents mostly frozen themed including a beautiful Elsa dress and crown and a fold out writing pad that she loves.

We had a Frozen themed birthday party which was fab! I decorated the rooms with hanging snowflakes and snowballs, tinsel back drop and balloons.
I even had a go at making a cake, Jorja-Lei requested a fancy cake with lots of little cakes. Lol

I themed everything around frozen. We had princess crowns, chocolate snowballs, marshmallow Olaf bodies, Elsa potion, Anna & Elsa trifles and melted snowman drink.
I added lots of blue sweets, white pretzels and blue candy floss to keep it all themed.

The party bags were made with clear cellophane bags with snowflakes on. Inside each bag there was a mini mouse nail file, frozen or Minnie Mouse nail polish, Minnie Mouse or Cinderella lip gloss, Minnie Mouse  nail stickers,monster high hair clips, disney princess ring, frozen chocolate bar and some little sweets tied up with silver ribbon, they were really cute and the girls loved them.

It was really tiring but worth it.

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Reuben's 8 week update

Reuben's 2 month Update

What's happening- Reuben is a beautifully happy little boy. He rarely cries. He makes little noises to let me know he wants feeding or picking up for instance when he is on his play mat and has had enough. 
He makes noises in his crib at night when he is settling himself back after a feed (sometimes if he needs burping again) 

He is starting to lift his head up with more control and can sometimes hold it for a few seconds. He can also turn to follow people and noises.

Height/Weight - 15lb 15oz

Size 3-6 month clothing

Feeding mostly every 4 hours 4ounces but can snack every few hours. Mix of breast and formula. 

Milestones - smiling and giggling
Following peoples movement
Looking for sounds

Bedtime Routine- I had been bathing Reuben at 8:30 followed by baby massage and milk with him fast asleep in bed by 9. Two nights he slept 9-3 & 9-2:30 I was so impressed but he only did it twice. Mostly he has done 4 hour feeds but can do 2-3. So not set routine.
We are going to try bath at 6 and bed for 7 as he is getting tired and grumpy at 6:30ish.

Mummy's post partum body I put on a massive 5stone. I have lost three a lot of that would have been Reuben. 
Very tired body.

Mummy's Best Bits - Reuben smiling is amazing. Giggling in his sleep is super cute and when he smiles at me talking to him in melts my heart.
I absolutely love it when I walk into a room talking to someone holding him and he immediate looks for me and his eyes light up when he finds me.

Daddy's Best Bits- when he smiles and laughs. I love it.

Cöhen's Best Bits- he is my first brother and he is funny because when I talk silly to him he laughs at me. I love it when he follows me with his eyes when I'm walking near him. 

Jorja-Lei's Best Bits - she likes him pulling different funny faces, she said he is so clever because he puts his hands over his nose when he sneeze.

Purchases- Reuben's photo shoot and discs. I was so proud that the photographer used his picture in her new shop as a window display and also inside on canvas.

Week 6-8

5th October - 19th October

Week 6- as Reuben had turned 6 weeks we decided to take him swimming. We located a warm baby pool in Morley with the water at 30 degrees. We took the kids too and they were so excited. Reuben slept through it all! Being changed into his swim suit, 30minutes in the pool and then getting out and getting dressed. I don't know if that counts as him enjoying it.

He is so pleasant and such a happy baby. He only makes a crying noise to tell me he wants feeding or sometimes a cuddle. 

We got him weighed a 6w +1d and he was 14lb 8oz! Little chunky monkey. The health visitor there made a comment as I got him out of the car seat that he was really tall. 
6wk 1 day in his first snow suit.

6w 5d I go on my second road trip to nannies. In so good all the way there. We stop to let my sister go to the toilet so I stay in the car with mummy and have some breast milk and my nappy changed. I have a snuggle with daddy so mummy can go to the toilet. When we set back off I am still very happy and Fall back asleep. I'm so happy when I wake up at nannies and get tons of kisses and cuddles.
I got spoilt the next day when I went shopping nannies got me some shoes and boots and new clothes because I'm getting so big. I see aunty mitz too and she has shoes for me! I love all these kisses and cuddless.
We have A little tea party for my sister and sing the same song we sung to my daddy and she has a cake too! It looks nice.

I get to meet uncle Paul for the first time and have cuddle with him, he is very careful when he holds me.

Really notice him looking at things, he's awake so much through the day now. He likes staring at his toys on his car seat and hitting the ones on the play mat. He looks right at me now and not around me making eye contact and skulking and babbling away when I'm talking to him like we're having a conversation.

7wk 2d - I slept 9pm -3am, mummy seems very excited about this and tells me I'm such a good boy and gives me even more cuddles and kisses when I've had my milk. Falls asleep and is laughing in his sleep.

<a href="http://www.mummybloggers.blogspot.co.uk/p/our.html"><img src="http://i57.tinypic.com/6tcns1.png">

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Babies 5th week

28th September - 4 October 

Reuben is going through the first phase according to the wonder years. He Seems more alert and wants cuddling more. He gets sad if he can't see or here me. 

We are Mixing feeds and he has been using the breast and bottle to fall asleep. One day he just fed constant And has had a noticeable growth spurt he seems really big. He also seems to dislike his car seat.

He is roughly getting up every four hours for a feed Except one night he was wide awake and I came downstairs and we were up until 4am. He doesn't cry he just moves a lot and makes noises.

I have been introducing a dummy to settle him and help him to settle himself to sleep. 
He has also been enjoying time on a play mat and over the days has noticed the toys dangling down and looks like he is staring at them and hits them. I think this is mainly an accident tho.

He looks like he is smilling but no 100% it's no just wind. My favourite thing at the minute is the most Cute noise he makes after sneezing like an 'aaahh' nosise as if that feels better. 

Cohen and Lei are loving playing with him talking to him and laying with him near the play mat. It's like he has noticed them this week and looks at them when they are close and talking to him. When they walk away he strains his head back to try follow them.

In bed this week I was sat talking to him and kept saying 'hi', he was watching my face and mouth intently. Moving his mouth open and closed like he was trying to copy me but with out sound. I kept smiling at him, continuing to say hi and he smiled then did a little giggle (like taking a breath in and making a giggle noise) it is the most beautiful sound I have heard. 

As he is mainly breast fed his nappies are quite explosive! Quite often during a nappy change he has wee'd on me this nappy change was even worse. He managed to poo during the change and it flew over 30cm and landed on my feet. Stu was in hysterics rolling on the floor, I couldn't help but laugh too as the baby laid there not knowing what he had done.

Good job he is so cute, makes it all better 

This week he wore some soft little shoes for the first time. 

My emotions seem to be setting down. I am still uncomfortable with this new body and mainly have a paddy every time I get dressed. 
Sleep deprivation us hard, I do the night feeds and some nights my body actually hurts I feel like I'm going to vomit from the need to sleep. 
Stu has been helping on the weekend when he's not working by having all the kids and I go to sleep through the day. I can only get 2-3 hours tho then I'm wide awake. So annoying.

Monday, 22 September 2014

Babies 4th week.

21st September - 27th September

Stus birthday was on the 22nd we had a little tea party, the kids loved it. I made a cake to which everyone loved. 

25/08/14 - I posted to FB during a night feed this picture with the word 'love' 
I am absolutely smitten with this little man 

Friday, 12 September 2014

Babies third week

8th-14th September
This week we went to baby group. There was only one other woman there. Reuben slept through most of it but I had a good chat.

I got a baby sling today, he likes being in it and it's fab for carrying him into the hectic school playground, no pram wars.

My hands have been in absolute agony with carpel tunnel. I have woken up through the night with immense pain in my elbow and pins and needles in my hands which upset me more because I couldn't pick the baby up to feed him. Thankfully stu did. I have an appointment with the dr.

I got some anti inflamatorys from the dr. 

24/08/14 - daddy posted to FB, my baby so clever holding his bottle. 

Reuben had some white spots on his tounge so I took him to the dr who said there was nothing there. Made me feel a bit daft to be honest. The next morning there were a few more so I took him back, another dr said she could see a single spot and it was an ulcer not thrush as I had suggested. I knew it was thrush but after seeing two doctors I felt like they were just ignoring me so I went to clinic after the weekend, by this time it was certainly thrush. The health visitor agreed and quickly arranged for someone to come around to our house with a prescription and one for me too as it had become painful to breast feed. I was very annoyed as it could have been prevented from getting to me and getting so bad on Reuben.

We went for two photoshoots this week. I had booked one then saw another with fab photos so booked her too. I have done a review on these in another blog. He looks so adorable.

Here's a sneak peek.

Monday, 1 September 2014

Babies second week

today I'm on my own with the kids. Stu has returned to work and my mum had gone home. Feel sad that my mum has gone and all the things she will miss out on with the baby.
I'm gutted Stu had to return to work so quickly too, wish we had all had more time together.

Reuben is a little super star, he whimpers quietly to tell me he is ready for food, has a dirty nappy or fancies a snuggle. He hardly ever cries loudly. He seems to have settled into 3 hour feeds.
My daughter is smitten she doesn't leave us alone and wants to feed and cuddle him.

The kids have gone back to school now too so lots of quality time with my lil man.

Trying to catch up on sleep when he does but he is so popular we have visitors a lot.
Took a trip out to meet my friend and the twins at the shopping centre. We ate food then fed them and changed them then it was time to go pick the kids up from school. So we didn't get to shop lol. We seriously under estimated shopping with three newborns.

This week we are registering the birth, have our second midwife check up and an appointment with the health visitor at home.

I'm still feeling elated with him. Little sad everyone had to leave and go back to work.

My emotions are still a bit crazy and I can randomly burst into tears over how quick time is going and he's getting bigger or how nothing fits me and instead of a lovely bump I now have a jelly belly. 
Feeling achy and sore. Really suffering with the carpal tunnel syndrome. In the night I wake with the pain and can't immediately pick the baby up. It's like pins and needles in my fingers and hand and I can't grip will and it goes right down my arm to my elbow it's awful. Doctor is referring me for some treatment on it.

Baby had his first road trip as we travelled to my mums. We had to stop a few times to feed him and change him but he was so good and didn't cry in the car. 
We enjoyed seeing everyone and he got to meet his Uncle for the first time. 

Babies 1st week

In hospital we stayed 3 nights. After the first night we were moved to transitional care as he has lost a lot of his weight and his sugars were low suggesting diabetes. He just slept so much he didn't wake to feed. When he did I was struggling with BreSt feeding. 
The two midwives in there were fantastic spending over an hour supporting me when I was struggling with feeding, talking to me. They were fantastic without them I probably would have given up. They topped him up on a night with cup feeds of milk to keep him doing well and help my breastfeeding..
With Reuben being so big when he was born he was checked for diabetes by heel pricks at various times through the day, thankfully they picked up. 
By the third day I was ready to go home and felt I could feed him as needed. 
( all ready to go home and meet my brother & sister again) 

When we came home Stu drove so carefully, I was so nervous I just wanted to get him home safely. 

The midwife came to visit us the first morning home. She weighed him and asked questions about how I was feeding and how the first night had gone. 

We had our First trip out to the white rose. I met my mum and aunt. I drove at a snails pace worried about bumps or crashing with such a precious little baby on board. 

We were ok shopping until he woke up, I just couldn't walk around leaving him to cry so came home with him. I couldn't wait to cuddle him up and make him happy again.

Whilst my mum was still staying with us we nipped out in the car to pick up some pizzas, we were gone only 15 minutes but I hated being away from the baby so much, it hurt my heart and I cried. Stu gave me a cuddle and said he would be fine. Obviously he was just fine safe at home with my mum. I guess nine months together and a week after giving birth I was lost without him.

One week since giving birth.

1 week young.

 3/9/14 - 10 days young.
Reuben is enjoying his bath time now. 

breast feeding is going well and my milk has come through properly. 

Monday, 25 August 2014

Meet my little man!

XxxI woke up on Sunday 24th August at 5:15 am and said Stu my waters are going. He replied are they! Excited we both got out of bed where they just trickled. I got cleaned up then got my daughter ready to go off to her nanas and had my first contraction.
Stu took her over and I decided to get ready. I thought it would be like my other two labour's. So I washed my hair then ran a bath. Thinking about easing the long contraction pains I was expecting.
I went back to the bedroom to get my hair dried whilst the bath filled.
But my contractions really started one after the other each longer and more intense. I knew we needed to go straight to hospital.
I got dressed it seemed to take forever the pain was getting worse I could barley walk to the car!

I cried at Stu to go through the red lights I was in so much pain but he wouldn't.
I could feel more pain with each turn and stop n start of the car.

When we parked at the hospital I got out but couldn't walk Stu had to get a wheel chair. We got into maternity asssessment where I barely opened my eyes trying hard to breath through the contractions. I was examined and was 4cm but my contractions were just rolling one after the other no break. They quickly got me back in the wheel chair and headed over to delivery suite.

I got into the bed and Stu had to take off my trousers . I was squeezing his hand whilst being asked questions by the midwife. The pain was unreal. The pressure below. I told them I wanted the epidural the idea of trying to get in a bath for a water birth was insane.
They gave me gas and air which I took in so well. My head was light and did the first time I felt some relief but then the pain got more. I screamed I wanted the epidural a guy came in to do it but the midwife said it's too late. I knew it was I was ready to push. I didn't need to be told
My body was telling me what to Do and I blocked out everything around me except Crystal the midwife. She was so amazingly positive encouraging me whilst I squeezed Stus hand. I felt when I needed to push and when to rest. His head came and I felt so much pain and relief at the same time. I felt his head and he had hair!
When my body was ready I pushed again and delivered him and he was placed onto me. It was amazing, I feel so proud I did it with just gas and air and so quickly.

The moment I held him on me I was in love. He is perfect. Stu was so happy too. We held him and I fed him, he is so perfect. I can't wait to show him to the world. We rang my mum who hadn't even set off yet and couldn't believe he had come so quick.

He weighed 10lb 10oz, we have named him Reuben. :-) 

25/08/14 - 1 day young
Daddy's first cuddles 24/08/14 just a few minutes new.

25/08/14 - 1 day young

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Week 39

How far along: week 39

Baby bump: 

What's happening this week: will see the midwife this Friday for another stretch and sweep and discuss induction for week after if he still isn't here. Had the sweep and booked in for induction on Tuesday morning if nothing happens. Saturday night I was 39+4, I really fancied a cosy night in so we went to dominoes and got lots of pizza junk food. 

Sleep: is really not happening. Suffering with the weight now trying to get comfortable.

Best moment: my waters broke on Sunday 5:15am 


Food cravings / aversions: 

Symptoms: no symptoms from the second stretch and sweep so just trying to relax.

Emotions: i was really hoping he would come at the last weekend after the stretch and sweep whilst all my family was here so they could meet him so feel deflated he hasn't come. Just a long waiting game. Had few tightening and what I think are little contractions but haven't developed into anything.

What I miss: not pregnancy related but missing all my family after seeing them all last week at the wedding. 

What I'm looking forward to: actually going into labour

How the family is doing: getting impatient.

Purchases: non.

Friday, 15 August 2014

Week 38

How far along:38 weeks

Baby bump:

What's happening this week: finished work this week, so glad tom exhausted. 

At 38+2 I had my hospital appointment for the stretch and sweep.
I had the usual blood pressure and urine checks then the Dr did the the s&s. 
It was uncomfortable but not overly painful. The Dr said I was 2cm dilated so hoping it gets things moving.
Had bits of spotting.
Feel a bit sore and heavy almost like the start of a period.
Stu and I went for a walk around the park which started tightenings and then short contractions.
Had a few more randomly throughout the day but nothing strong and consistent. Waters haven't gone either.

Sleep: nanna naps, seem to have got into a stupid routine of sleeping four hours when I got robed then up and tired again around 6am. 

Best moment: seeing all my family and going to my Auntie and Uncles wedding. 

Movement: he definitely has slowed down. Still having movements I can see but not as many.

Food cravings / aversions: 

Symptoms: heartburn and constipation. Losing the plug (show) since the stretch and sweep.

I've started with pins and needles in my hands when I was workings and when I'm sleeping through the night. Has caused me to drop things I'm holding :-(

Emotions: I get really upset how people can be so rude with comments like 'wow you're massive, omg you look like a whale, Jesus Christ and fuck me how many you got in there and can I take a pic to show my friend how freaky you look.!  Have to stay calm because I do want to say and what's your reason for being fat or some other rude comment back. But instead I save it all and tell Stu who is so supportive and gives me a cuddle when I cry.

What I miss: really fancied a drink at the wedding. 

What I'm looking forward to: hopefully meeting my lil man in the next week.

How the family is doing: pestering me with comments like 'is he coming, any signs, and the most stupid one when will he come? Erm I'll just get my crystal ball. As you can tell I'm very tired and sarcy now.

Purchases: just a light dressing gown for the hospital.

Friday, 8 August 2014

Week 37

How far along: 37 weeks

Baby bump: 

What's happening this week: we are officially cooked, so if baby arrives before 40 weeks he will be ok. 

We went to the midwife, She listened to heart beat and did my blood pressure and guessed the baby was weighing in about 8lb. We still haven't discussed my birthing option or plan or feeding options. 

Sleep: lots of nanna naps all through the night and day. 

Best moment: 

Movement: he seems to be quietening down, when he does move it can be painful. 

Food cravings / aversions: orange Fanta I love it

Symptoms: heartburn

What I miss: really wanting to do things with the kids during the holidays, visit places but I'm to exhausted so were cooking, baking and lots of arty work.

What I'm looking forward to: seeing my family

Purchases: non

Friday, 1 August 2014

Week 36

How far along: 36 weeks
Baby bump:

What's happening this week: we visited the consultant at the hospital and she measured the baby with her hands she said he is around 6.5lb, his head is down but not engaged but apparently after your first baby can engage and move back easily. She said she will do a stretch and sweep at 38+5 but said to come in the Friday which will be 38+2. It doesn't always get labour started but Dr said with it being my third it likely will. So my baby could be here in 2 weeks :-) 

Sleep: is horrendous! I thought I was struggling before but now I can't breathe on my sides or propped up on my back. I'm uncomfy sitting too. Oh my lord I feel like I'm being crushed and beaten with the movements.
Best moment: date night, a lovely meal out and then the cinema. 
getting a good nights sleep even one day makes me feel better. 

Movement: can be so painful now in my rib and hip still and lots of dagger/stabbing pains down there they can increase when walking, standing for a while (good excuse to avoid washing up) and when I'm on my birthing ball.

Food cravings / aversions: really don't fancy anything I am getting constant heartburn. 

Symptoms: heartburn! Almost all day and night. 
Can't get comfy to sleep
So so exhausted, I cry with random emotion but also from the pain. The bump is so heavy it's been hurting my knees and ankles, stretching my tummy really painful and sitting in a comfy position is a task. The end few weeks are just for moaning lol.

Emotions: can still cry at random moments 

What I miss: being able to get out of bed easily

What I'm looking forward to: my eldest sons birthday

How the family is doing: just getting on with things now, kids are enjoying school holidays. 

Purchases: non, I think we have everything 

Week 35

How far along: 35 weeks. 

Baby bump: 35+5 

What's happening this week:

Sleep: same as previous weeks some nights I get some good sleep. But mostly I sleep 12-4 and then I'm wide awake but tired again at 7am. Gets a bit lonely I want to wake everyone up haha. 

Best moment: putting the pram together, imaging him in it. 

Movement: plenty of movement still. He definitely reacts to his daddy's voice and more with his sister now she is at home on holidays and being loud. 

Food cravings / aversions: not craving anything. I really don't even want to eat, I only do because I need to. I get full so quick so very small snack throughout the day. It's been so hot so drinking lots of Fanta and ice. 

Symptoms: had to go to the dentist as my wisdom teeth are starting to ache again, I could only get some corsydol but will be having them out after the baby :-( 

Started in the evening get really strong pains in my right side around my hip area, sat on my ball and had some paracetomal but they started getting stronger. I had to call the maternity assessment unit but I could barley speak to her through the pain, it was awful. We went to hospital and the pain stopped! Lol. Baby was still checked and they think I have an infection maybe urinary and will have some antibiotics. 

What I'm looking forward to: finding out if I will get a stretch & sweep early.

Purchases: we picked up the pram & car seat. Love it :-) 

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Week 34

How far along: 34 weeks

Baby bump: baby is the size of a cantaloupe, weighing 4.75

What's happening this week: I have my 34 week midwife appointment.
She has referred me to the consultant at the hospital to discuss the induction he suggested last time I saw him. She couldn't tell which way the baby was laying. 
I had my whooping cough jab.
I was quite disappointed with our appointment, we didn't discuss feeding or birthing options. I feel that once you've had one it's just a formality going to see the midwife and she isn't actually any help. So I still feel anxious. 
I got weighed and have put on 3st, 3lb!! Omg!!

Sleep: having a few naps the days I'm not working. Towards the end of week 34 its got so hot I can't sleep on a night. 
I have tons of pillows and have to change my sleeping position loads throughout the night because I can't breathe from the weight or my leg aches.

Best moment: getting some more bits for the haby

Movement: I took a video of him movingvthis week, its less kicking now and more like huge wobbles. He also got right into my rib and brought tears to my eyes, its wasn't very nice.

Food cravings / aversions: I haven't been wanting fresh orange. In fact the heat has made me really not want to eat. Obviously I've forced myself to drink and have had homemade banana milkshake and juice with ice. I don't really like fizzy pop. Water is mainly what I'm drinking.

Symptoms: have had nausea coming back, could be the heat.
Hope it's not the HG, can't do that again. 
Very low movements and sharp stabbing pains in my bits that stop me walking. 

Emotions: happy then can burst out crying 

What I miss: being comfy in bed

What I'm looking forward to: having the baby now, the heat makes me really dislike all this extra wright. 

How the family is doing: My other half still pandas to my every need and really spoils me, I think he feels bad how upset I get and how Uncomfy I am. He always offers me a drink, run a bath or do I want a nap. ( could be to get a few minutes peace and quiet from my moaning lol) 


I got the mamaroo chair from mamas & Papas (they do sell allover inc mothercare online)

Tommee tippee nappy wrapper on sale at mother care.

Baby k changing mat from the new collection at mothercare

Some cute little dungaree sets from Next in the sale.

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Week 33

How far along: 33 weeks
(9-16th July 2014)

Baby bump: the size of a pineapple weighing 4.25lb

What's happening this week: not too much.
We took the kids to witherensea overnight, they thought it was fantastic staying in a shally. Lol.
Feeling the benefits of working from home, I get chance to put my feet up or potter around the house. I've organised the babies wardrobe and all the gifts we got. 

Sleep: still the same, warm on a night but managing to get sleep with plenty of pillows, toilet trips and struggling to turn over.

Best moment: a night away with the kids and stu at witherensea. Was nice to have a change of scenery, was super happy to be back in my comfy bed tho. 

Movement: lots of big stretches that make me jump. He is loving my hip and ribs still.

Food cravings / aversions: fresh orange 

Symptoms: heartburn, milk coming in making a slight ache in my boobs. 

Emotions: crying and grumpy. Lol

What I miss: sleeping on my tummy.

What I'm looking forward to: meeting my baby now

Purchases: I got myself some cooler clothes, I was getting so hot in leggings all the time so got some baggy pants two pairs with floral pattern and one denim look, some long vest tops to go over my bump and a casual maxi dress. I just bought bigger sizes non are maternity but they're so comfy and cheaper than maternity.

Pink, white and orange vest top £3.99 from newlook
Striped maxi dress with belt £22.99 newlook
Denim jogger pants £22.99 newlook
Floral jogger pants £12.99 each from Select.

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Week 32

How far along: 32 weeks. (
2-9th July 2014)

Baby bump: baby is the size of a bok Choy, weighing around 4lb

What's happening this week:
This week I had my baby shower, it was perfect. I have posted a separate blog about it.
I got to see my mum and sis for the first time since Christmas which was so nice but goes too quick. 

I went to the mothercare outlet again and got some clothes 3-6 months for autumn for baby. So cheap there I can't bare to pay full price in the normal mothercare store.

On the 7th I woke up at 5:30 with tightenings, they eased off around 7am so took the kids to school and they started as I was walking. Then again at 9:15 but I managed to fall asleep for a few hours and they didn't come again until later on and Stu insisted we went to the hospital. They put me on the heart monitor and baby was fine, my cervix wasn't dilated so we came back home. It was quite scary the thought of him coming early, guess he was just practising. 
The midwife said his head was under my left rib his bum under my right and legs below. Hope he moves soon. 

Sleep:  it has been warm again but I'm managing to sleep, I'm used to getting up for the toilet now and waking to turn over.

Best moment: my baby shower. 

Movement: lots and lots, getting a bit cringey when he moves so much I can see lumps.

Food cravings / aversions: still fresh orange.

Symptoms: heartburn when I lay in bed, tightenings. 

Emotions: I can cry and be angry very quickly, poor stu gets it all but he laughs and cuddles me. He won't even entertain argument.

What I miss: being able to clean the house without being exhausted, I had a cry pegging the washing out this week, the thought of it makes me laugh. Hormones eh!

What I'm looking forward to: relaxing this weekend with stu and the kids 

How the family is doing: kids constantly asking when the baby is coming.

Orange top was £3 now £1, hooded cardigan was £16 now £5
Green top was £3 now £1.50 and pants were £5.50 now £2.75

Tshirt £1 was £3, baby grows were £6 each now £2 each.

So plenty of good deals :-) 

My baby shower

My mum threw me a fantastic baby shower. She hand made some beautiful bunting and decorated all my garden in blues it looked fab. 

Me and my sis
Liz and Claire enjoying the sun and a drink

All of us concentrating hard on the games, we played 'what's the animal baby, match the celeb to their babies name and guess the size of my bump.'

Me and bump were very spoilt by my friends and family. I got loads of beautiful clothes for him, blankets and essentials. 
My friends Jess and Tracey made this fantastic essentials kit with vests, baby grows, bath products, nappies, wipes, bottles, dummies, creams, teething gel, bibs and blankets. There was so much it really was fab! 

My mum got us this fantastic new gadget that makes formula bottle milk at the perfect temperature so not waiting for the kettle then waiting for it to cool down. 

Lovely afternoon tea style. My mum and sis made some lovely little cupcakes and scones and my sis made a fab choc cake. I ate a lot of that after the shower. (Naughty!)

My mother in law had this fab cake made for us! I love it and the little blue booties are a keepsake.

My mum also made this fab frame. This is our scan picture with a lovely little verse. 

The whole shower was perfect and I really enjoyed seeing all my friends and family. Thankfully the sun came out and made it all fab garden party. 

Thank you to everyone who came, thank you to everyone who got us gifts and a big thank you to my mum and sister for doing it all. :-)